About me...
I want a challenging job that helps others communicate.
Bemidji State University has awarded to me a newly minted Marketing Communication bachelor's degree, adding to my three other associate degrees. Combined with my job history, I have a wealth of experience in the work environment in a wide variety of situations.
Drummond Island, off the eastern tip of Michigan's Upper Peninsula, is my hometown. Took a ferry boat to high school. Yup, I'm a Yooper. The remoteness made me self-sufficient, adaptive, and time-sensitive. [Had to be on time for that ferry!] College and family have taken me from Metro Detroit MI to Roseau MN, and now Wyoming MN, a Twin Cities suburb.
Having many interests, I read [favorite: romance novels, yikes!], paint, sew, quilt, craft, bicycle, and motorcycle. I'm a proud member of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians which is part of an amusing fact that I once starred in my own TV commercial. Yes, really. Keep scrolling...
Remote town or a big city, graphic design has been my forte. But, hey, things change, and so do I. Time for re-invention/re-invigoration with a career upgrade to Marketing Communication.
Helping tell great stories is where I'm headed. You must have some great stories that I could help you with.

Carlene MacGregor
Car-leen Mac Greg-or
Pronouns - she, her

Bemidji State University - 2019-20
BSU Marketing Online Student of the Year 2019
President's Honor Roll - Fall, Spring​, Summer terms
American Indian Recognition Certificate
President's List - Fall, Spring, Summer 2019, Fall 2020
CITI Research, Ethics, and Compliance Training Certified 2019
Northland Community & Technical College Dean's List - Spring, Summer, Fall 2012
Ferris State University Dean's List -​
Lake Superior State University ​Dean's List -
Doing My Dream...
The Discovery Channel sent out an appeal for people who had accomplished a dream. I emailed them a letter that described making regalia then taking my Native Grandmother to a Pow Wow to be honored by our Tribe. I was chosen to be in a promotion for a (then) new show: "I Did My Dream". The resulting commercial ran nationwide in June of 2004.
On the right is a picture of my first set of regalia, and on the bottom is an article from the Sault Evening News about the event and a picture with my Grandmother, Helen, in my second (more traditional) regalia.

Note: The link listed in the article is not functional