Originally I was a trained commercial artist, old school style with all handwork. I have the ability to copy other styles as well as create something entirely new in many different mediums.
"Uncle John"
The eagle is watercolor and colored pencil on cold pressboard.

"Furniture Ad"
The interior is ink and marker on
cold pressboard.
The bird is ink and colored pencil on tracing paper.

Greeting Cards
These are hobby samples. They are various greeting cards created using mixed media.
The card on the left is stamped cardstock, colored pencils, and silk ribbon on translucent green vellum paper overlay.

The last two sympathy cards are differing versions on card stock, with embossed feather stamps and clear plastic dots. The text is computer-composed and printed on textured vellum tinted paper.

Cub Scout Arrows of Light
Constructed out of obsidian or stone arrowheads, wooden dowels, trimmed turkey feathers, synthetic sinew, painted to correspond with each boy's achievements. They symbolize graduation from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts. Wearing my Native regalia, I personally presented them yearly for three years, 30 pieces in total.

Honor Feather
Made of a goose feather, paint, leather, wrapped twine, beads, and a small stone. The Boy Scout emblem is painted with acrylic paints. This is was awarded to a retiring Den Leader.
Decorated Canoe Paddle
Canoe paddle decorated in a Native American design. Made from wood, acrylic paint with wood burned outlines.

"Secret Garden in Green"
This lap-sized quilt is a Secret Garden pattern, made during a mystery quilt class. We were given only small sections at a time until the final assembly revealed the pattern. Cotton fabric, batting, and thread.
"Mariner's Compas In Flannel"
The tan, blue, and maroon lap-sized quilt is a Mariner's Compass pattern done was a Quilt-as-you-go project. It's in flannel.
"Purple Snow Rider"
The blue and purple quilt challenge to use Minnesota themed quilt fabric in a creative way. It's a wall hanging showing a snowmobile rider in a purple setting. Cotton fabric, batten, fabric markers, and thread.

"Little Girls - Lucille and Helen LaPointe"
This is a table runner featuring a 1912 family photo of my Grandmother and her sister. I retouched the photo then transferred it onto the fabric before assembly and quilting.

"Saloon GIrl & Gambler"
This is a wooden cut-out for a gambling-themed high school prom.
The smaller picture is the original drawing and the larger one is the actual stand-up piece, made of plywood, screws, and acrylic paint.
Circus Animals
These are a series of cardboard cut-outs about 6 ft. high. They were designed for a Circus-themed Drummond Island Fall Festival. They're made from scrap cardboard, acrylic paint, and chalk.